Monday, 25 November 2013

Best Puppy Beckham

Peet x Hermione
6 month 2 weeks
First dog show without previous attendance in any handling class.

Just love the way he walked towards the judge and stacked himself in front of her.
Vanessa was so excited that she almost dropped her camera.
Here he was again showing with his sister Moka.
Moka paid him a visit and had a good time that night.
And he did it again.
Another best puppy in Group.
Vanessa was better prepared this time and didn't drop her camera.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

SCA 2013

SCA 2013 Samoyed National Specialty was held at Plano, Texas, at the famous South Fork Ranch. This was her first flight and she handled it very well. She got a frozen kong to snack on during the flight.

 She travelled well at the back of the SUV. Uncle Merlin set a good example for her to be a good passenger.

  • We started our week with a 5 miles pack hike. Moka carried her little pack and walked the whole 5 miles without lagging behind.

She got to meet her grandpa Wizard while he was getting groomed ready to show the next day.                             "Hello! Grandpa."                                                            "Hello! Little one."                                                           Grandpa was telling her how to be a good girl and behaved while being washed.          

She got to take a picture with grandpa after he has been groomed and looked handsome.
Can you see the family resemblance?

She got to sit at ring side and watched the other dogs showing. She was learning to be a show dog.

Then it was her turn in the ring. It was her first show. She did well in front of the crowd.
She moved well. She worked with me.

She stacked well. She free stack by herself without my help. All she asked for were treats and lots of them.

We got to take some nice photos at the ranch.

By the end of the week, when everyone was done showing, we got to have a get-together time with the family. It was grandpa Wizard on the left, Merlin on the right and Moka in the middle.

We got to meet auntie Mandy too. She is Roxy's twin sister. Don't they look alike?