Monday, 25 April 2016

Tag agility Spring 2016

Moka is getting it. She is putting her head together again and is happy to work with me.
I have to teach her to get off the A frame faster, not enjoying the view for too long.

This is her score for her standard run.

This is her first "Q" in the Adv. level.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

SAC 2016

This was the video of Vanessa showing Moli our 11 years old bitch at the Veteran Sweep.
She is our foundation bitch.
This is what a 11 years old should still be able to do.

She knows what to do and moves well.
To prove that she is still able, she went snowshoeing with Beckham the next day.

This was Moka and Hermione showing in brace.
Moka took select bitch at both West Can Samoyed club Specialty and Samoyed Association of Canada National.

This is Scarlet. She took reserved at the SAC national and another reserve at Renaissance show the same day.
Scarlet finished the show week with a winner bitch and best opposite sex over specials.
She will be awesome when she matures.

It was a good weekend with friends and family.
All 4 girls are Peet's ( Can/Am Ch. Firecloud's Devilish Hot Cuppa Joe) daughter out of different bitches.

From the left,
MiuMiu out of Prada
Kona out of Karma
Moka out of Hermione.
Scarlet out of Roxy.