Monday, 28 November 2016

Morgan's first snow

Winter arrived on time this year. I decided to take Morgan up the mountain to play in the snow.
I brought grandma Hermione along as she is my best helper. She will keep Morgan on track and she doesn't rough-house with her. I don't want puppy Morgan to get hurt.

I hiked up the ski hill. The workers were working at the base preparing for the opening next week.

The snow is fresh and the girls followed the track I broke.

" Come on Grandma. We are waiting for you!" Morgan barked.

We practised "recall".

Morgan is very good coming towards me when she is called. One day she will learn to stay closed like Hermione.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Tailblazer Fall trial 2016

Final result
Roxy 3 - 2 in advanced jumpers 1 in started standard
Moka- 1 in advanced jumper
Hermione - 1 in Master Snooker

This is Roxy in Advanced Jumpers

Roxy is faster not because of her longer legs, but tighter turns.

Moka in Advanced Jumpers

Frank has gone to Nanaimo with Morgan for a Sanction Match and wasn't available to video for us.