Lucerne Dasha's Marvel of Ob'
Dec 7th, 2002 - Dec 27th, 2016
Moby was my first show dog.
Moby at 3 months.
He grew up in my office. He slept while I worked. When he woke up, one of my staffs would take him out to potty, then he hanged around until my break.
When I was called to ER during our walk, patients offered to take him while I worked.
He was a borned-to-be therapy dog.
Moby's first Christmas
Moby loved car ride. Actually Moby loved everything. He loved people. He loved other animals.

He loved to get dirty.
We were at our friend's house. Moby was in the yard with their dog Tiger. Their neighbour had a dog on the other side of the fence. It was raining. Moby tried to dig under the fence to invite the neighbour's dog over for a party. He was halfway under the fence when we discovered his act.
Moby showed his heart out for me in the show ring. He was my first show dog. We had a lot to learn together - grooming, handling, ring procedure....etc. We had come a long way.
Moby loved people so much that he became a St John Ambulance Therapy dog at age six, acting as Moli's sub when she was on maternity leave. He had finally matured enough not to run towards people at full speed and knocked them over.
He would announce his arrival at the nursing home with howling. Then he visited the residents and talked to them with his "ah-woo".
Moby wanted to drive. He tried to be in charge but I don't think he was good at navigating.
Moby will accept being dressed up.
He had the biggest smile to go with his big heart.
Moby's 11th birthday. He was always mommy's boy.
Frank had let him out to the backyard, he refused to come back inside the house, until he heard my car turned into the driveway, he ran from the backyard through the living room, be at the front door when I opened it.
We bought him a dog bed when he was too old to climb into ours. Hermione tried to claim it. He was very patience with her.
Moby's last Christmas.
This was the photo we took shortly before he left us.
Moby, I miss you and I love you, forever.