Friday, 31 March 2017

Sulley has his RN

Sulley, AKA Dormo's Monstrous Finish got his Rally Novice title today.
He is only 9 months young.
He is the first of his siblings getting a title.

You can see how proud his owners are.
Proud parents are Beckham, Ch Dormo's Three out of Three
Roxy, AmCh Dormo's Double Black Diamond AGNs, AGNJs, SGDC.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Tailblazer trial March 2017

We had a good day at Tailblazer agility trial. 
Hermione did very well, scoring 3 out of 4 runs. 
Moka and Roxy both made minor mistakes which was part of the learning and no doubt, they will do better soon.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Top agility Samoyed 2016

Moka made first place in Top agility samoyed followed by mama Hermione, then Roxy.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

First show for 2017

We had a good start for 2017 with the dogs.
We went to Mount Cheam Canine Association which is the first show of the year and we came back with lots of ribbons.

Scarlet started the week with 2 BOW/BOS and finished her Canadian Championship.

Then she finished off the week with another new title in Rally Novice.
Ch Dormo's Letter Lit Up The Sky, RN.

Morgan got 2 BOW/BOS with a total of 4 points. She was doing great in the first show.

Grandma Vanessa was giving her a big hug.

Rio also picked up a BOW with 2 points.

Moka and Scarlet practised sit/stay in the park before Rally trials.

Moka got 2 qualified scores in Rally Excellent B class.

We are most proud of Sulley.
He was entered for just 1 day, 2 trials in Rally Novice just to test the water. 
He qualified in both trials.
He is only 8 months old.

Look at the big smile of his proud parents.
He is their first dog.

To end the weekend, we took a family photo with daddy Beckham and his kids.
From left, Sulley, Beckham, Morgan, Rio.