Saturday, 15 April 2017

Moka got her RE with HIC

We went to Victoria for Rally obedience trial. We arrived the day before and Moka knew that she is special and she claimed the bed as soon as we checked in to the hotel.
This was the course map.

Moka has proven that she is special.
 She qualified her last leg for her Rally Excellent title in the Excellent B class.
And she surprised me with a High in Class win. 

Of course we had to stop for ice cream on our way back.

What Moka won today.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Skijoring 2017

We were having so much fun.
We wish winter will never come to an end.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Roadster Spring 2017

Hermione Master Standard 1

Hermione got another Master Snooker and got her Expert Snooker Bronze title.

I am proud of her.

On day 2, Hermione got a Master Challenge run.

And she finished the weekend with a Master Jumper.

 Moka got her Starter Gambler to complete her SGDC -Starter Game Dog of Canada title.
She is now Am Can GCh Dormo's Ice Princess Mocha. CGN, CA, RA, CD, SDGC.
She had her Grand Champion title in both Canada and USA, a Canine Good Neighbour, a Rally , an Obedience and now an agility title.

She finished the weekend with another Starter Standard Q.