Saturday, 26 August 2017

Fall Fair 2017

Morgan was the Samoyed Ambassador at the Comox Valley Fall Fair this year.

She has grown. She still fitted in the plane. 
However, she hadn't learned how to fly yet.
But she can sit still without her leash now.

This was Morgan at the Fall Fair in 2016.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Tailblazer trial Aug 2017

We had a good trial weekend.
Hermione got 1 Master Snooker, 2 Master Jumpers 
and most of all, 2 Master Standard to get her Bronze Standard award.

Hermione received her Bronze Standard Award. She is very pleased of herself.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Future agility star

This is Morgan.
She is out of GCh Beckham and Ch Roxy, AGNs AGNJS SGDC.
She started taking agility class in January when she was 6 months old.
She is now 13 months.
This was a course for the Master Class minus the Teeter and Weaves since she is too young for those. 
She is eager to work, has good understanding of both hand signals, positional and verbal cues.
And the fact that, she loves it.