Wednesday, 25 October 2017

MeMe went to the beach the first time.

Before the nice weather was over, we took MeMe to the beach for her to experience the sand, the ocean, the wind and the wave.

It was too cold to start her swimming, but she had no fear to get her feet wet.

She had a good recall. She even beated her mom Moka to come to me.

She will sit on command waiting for her treats.

This was also her first official off leash walk. 
She qualified.
Who said you cannot trust a samoyed off leash !!!

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Good bye Moli ! I love you!

Ch EJ's Encore Performance, CGN, CD, AGI, AGIJ, AADC, AGDC, WSX
Apr03,2005- Oct, 19, 2017..
Moli was a special girl. She made the impossible possible

I was told never to leave a Samoyed off leash.
Moli never left my side.

When I walked her into the obedience ring, a samoyed breeder called me "gutsy" to walk into that ring with a samoyed. Moli did it. 

When we were waiting our turn at agility, an exhibitor told us that only dogs competing were allowed ringside. Moli showed her how it should be done. 

She finished her championship with a BOB over special.

She was also a St John's ambulance's therapy dog. She visited nursing home and worked with special need children.

She was smart, courageous, brave and loyal. When Moby felt off a cliff, she took a look and decided to go down after him. She leaped between rocks and tree stumps, gave me a "woof" when she got to the bottom to let me know that she was okay. When I found my way down to the river, she swam to me and took me over to Moby.

She introduced me to skijoring.

We had done many pack hike together.

She took us to our first SCA National in Post Fall. We had been going almost every year since.

She met Wizard at our first national. She was bred to him a few years later.
They had 5 puppies together - 4 boys and 1 girl. 
Out of that litter we had 3 champions - Aniu, Merlin and Hermione.

She was bred also to Bijou - GCh Firecloud's It had to Bijou
They had 3 puppies together - 1 boy and 2 girls including Roxy.

We went to SCA National 2016. This was our last national.
I told her that she will officially be retired after it.
She showed her heart off.

She saw her first love Wizard, who shortly went to rainbow bridge after.

She met her last love Bijou, who crossed the Rainbow bridge a few weeks before her.

She was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma shortly after the National. 
Frank took that picture who he took her to have her surgery. 
We had decided against chemo which may only gained her a few months.
Instead we spent the money on a chicken leg a day for her.
If Moli could speak, we were sure that was her choice.
The chicken leg worked better than the chemo. 
She lived almost another year.

This was our family photo in 2016 at Moby's 14th birthday.
We have Moli's daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughter.

Our last Christmas.
Moby went to Rainbow bridge shortly after. 

Moby, Wizard and Bijou will keep her company over Rainbow bridge.

We missed you Moli.

Till we meet again.

SCA 2017

We were off to SCA 2017 at Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio with Morgan, Moka and Rio.

We flew from Victoria BC to Windsor Ontario.

While Moka were off to an all breed agiltiy trial, Morgan and Rio got to sleep in. 
They both had a bath in the afternoor ready for the upcoming competition.

Tuesday was futurity. 
 Rio took 1st in 15-18 months boy class.
 Morgan took 2nd in 15-18 month bitch class and went onto reserve intersex for the 15-18 month .

Moka did well in agility too.
She took 2nd in Novice FAST and 3rd in Novice Standard.

The next day, Moka took 1st in Rally obedience advanced A.

Moka was so proud of herself.
She did well and the performance events were over. She got to rest and hanged out for the rest of the week.

Rio competed in regular 12-18month dog class.

He took 2nd in his class.

Morgan competed in regular 15-18th bitch class.

Morgan was being examined by the judge.

Morgan worked hard for her win.

Morgan won her class.
Morgan took 1st in her class with 19 entries. 

We got to take a break on Saturday and did some sight seeing around Lake Erie.

These are our trophies.

Once we were back in Canada, we walked around Windsor before leaving on our flight.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Growing up

It is time to have an update on MeMe.
Her ears are up.

She is getting very active and creative. She found the concrete fountain box and decided to use it as an outdoor hideout. 

She had multiple car rides whether it was in the crate or on my lap.

It was now a chore to tire her out.