This was MeMe's first show weekend as a "special" at VIDFA show in Victoria BC.
She started the first show with a Best of Breed, best puppy in breed, best owner handled in breed. Then she went onto best owner handled in group.
She finished the day with Best Owner Handled in Show.
Saturday was a even better day.
MeMe again took BOB and BP.
She did everything right in the group ring.
And she was placed 3rd in the working group.
She later won Best puppy in Group so we got to play in Best puppy in show.
We got to play again on Sunday.
MeMe again took Best of Breed and Best Puppy.
MeMe was showing in working group.
She did it again - Group 3rd and automatic Best puppy in group and best owner handled in Group since there was none entered from the breed taking 1st and 2nd.
We got to play in best puppy in show competition.
We were the only owner handled team .
We took Best owner handled in Show again.
Our final total -
3 BOB, 3 BP in breed
2 x Group 3rd
2 x Best puppy in Group
2 x Best owner handled in Show.