Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Christmas dogs at work

This is the time of the year.
The girls were trying their new outfit to be sheep at the Christmas parade.

MeMe and Mercedes were sheeps and they got to hang out with baby Jesus on the float.

They loved the scenery.

And the attention.

We were so impressed with Mercedes, only 7 months old, keeping the little angels company and did not try to jump off the float.

MeMe were watching the flocks with the shepherd.

While the young ones got to sit on the float, Moka joined the Therapy Dog team to walk down the parade and offering "pat" therapy to the crowd. 

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Hermione rocks

Hermione earned her Silver jumper title at Roadster AAC trial.
She is the 4th samoyed who achieved this title.
She also had 5 clean runs, 4 "Q"s, with the last run was missed by half a second.
She was tired at the end of the day.
But she tried.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

SCA 2019

The SCA 2019 National is held at South Sioux City, Nebraska this year.
We decided to take a road trip with our K9MB ( Canine Motor Bus)

Whenever there was any spare time during our trip, I will practise weave with MeMe.
She was starting with the weaves still slightly opened here.

We stopped by in Idaho and Mercedes met her cousin Malcolm who was exactly 1 month younger.

Here was MeMe practising her weaves again. The poles were a lot straighter now.

Mercedes watching the world goes by.

We stopped by Great Falls en route and did a set of dog show. MeMe took 4 WB/BOS with 2 NOHS in breed and 1 NOHS Group 1st.

MeMe was weaving a set of 6 weaves now.

Roxy was posing in front of our K9MB at one of the KOA campground.

We went to Devil's tower where the movie "Encounter of the 3rd kind" was filmed

We had our motor bus security on guard.

We had 4 of our girls posing in front of Mount Rushmore.

We went to Badlands National Park. The landscape was amazing.

Here we were at Scenic park campground where we stayed during the National.

Our effort paid off. 
Moka took 1st in Novice FAST
MeMe took 1st in Novice JWW. Yes, MeMe weaves.

Mercedes competed in Baby Puppy.
Here she was with a sammy smile and perfect self stack.

She liked the judge.

And the judge liked her too. 
Mercedes took Baby puppy BOS while her cousin Malcolm took Best Baby puppy.

MeMe and Moka showed in brace on the last day.

They took 4th in Brace.

Moka entered in BOB competition.

She moved very well as usually.

After the show, we had to make our way home before the snow hit.

We were lucky to travel between the snow.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

SCWS 2019

Here it is, MeMe getting a bath before the show.

On the first specialty, Enzo ( Beckham x Zoey) took Best in Specialty show.

On the second day, Rio was patiently waiting his turn

Rio got examined by the judge.

Rio took WD. Frank almost dropped his phone.
Rio loved the dog bed he won.
Rio took WD (winner dog) for his second major win.

Moka took Select bitch, and best owner-handled.

Moka and MeMe together took Best brace

MeMe being examined.

MeMe took Best Breed By Exhibitor.
That was a showcase for all the rosettes.

And the pails.

After the show, MeMe tried a fun FAST CAT run.

And Rio tried a round of weigh pull.