Tuesday, 20 August 2019

SCWS 2019

Here it is, MeMe getting a bath before the show.

On the first specialty, Enzo ( Beckham x Zoey) took Best in Specialty show.

On the second day, Rio was patiently waiting his turn

Rio got examined by the judge.

Rio took WD. Frank almost dropped his phone.
Rio loved the dog bed he won.
Rio took WD (winner dog) for his second major win.

Moka took Select bitch, and best owner-handled.

Moka and MeMe together took Best brace

MeMe being examined.

MeMe took Best Breed By Exhibitor.
That was a showcase for all the rosettes.

And the pails.

After the show, MeMe tried a fun FAST CAT run.

And Rio tried a round of weigh pull.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

SAC 2019

The Samoyed Association of Canada 2019 National is held at Spruce Meadows, Calgary in conjunction with Alberta Kennel Club show.

We started the week with some photo sessions.

The sammy cart were useful in moving setup and equipments.

Mercedes got her shares to be the poster child this year.

Moka took a break from agility and joined the photo session.

We met our friends Beth, Kayleigh and Jacquire.
They were great help showing our dogs at the national.
We had a good time catching up. 

Mercedes got a warm up run at the all breed show in baby puppy class. 
This was her first official show. 

MeMe took Best Opposite Sex at the National.
Here she was in the photo with her rosette and trophies.

She was very pleased with herself.

Hermione took Best Veteran.

She certainly didn't look her age.

There was a special class at the national - "3-generations"
This was basically a showcase of our breeding program.

Hermione competed in it with her daughter Moka and granddaughter MeMe, and won.

We were honored to win under Judge Michael Yates from Australia.

The youngest of the clan, Mercedes, took Best Baby Puppy.

Mercedes is the 4th generation from Hermione. 

Mercedes also helped Kayleigh compete in Junior handling.

Last but not least, Moka finished the weekend with a "Q" in Master Standard.
As in Murphy's law, the one we videoed was not the one she "Q".

We were so exhausted, so Moka and Morgan helped pulling the wagon back from agility.
They were so proud of themselves that they were able to help.