Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Tyee KC 2014

We had a very good weekend at Tyee Kennel Club dog show.
On Friday, the dogs started the weekend with a few qualified "legs" in the Rally Obedience trials.

Hermione, Aniu and Moka all qualified. 
Hermione got her Rally Novice title.
She is now Ch Dormo's She Knows It All, AGI, AGIJ, AADC, AGDC, RN.
Moka got 2 qualified "leg"s before she turned 1 year old.

Moka finished her championship on Saturday, which is also her birthday.
Moka is now Ch. Dormo's Ice Princess Mocha.

We are honoured to have a birthday pictures with the 2 youngest champions.
Beckham's mom brought over a birthday cake for the dogs.

On Sunday, in her first show as a special, Moka took BOS while Beckham claimed BOB, both earned 2 grand champion points.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Hermione's new title

Hermione got her new agility title - AADC ( Advanced agility dog of Canada)  this weekend at our local trial.
We will now be competing in the Master level.
MADC ( Master agility dog), here we come.